Drip Services

Hydration - $100

Hydration drip

Efficiently rehydrates the body, supports cellular function, and promotes optimal health and wellness. Choose between lactated ringers or sodium chloride.

Beauty/Youth – $150

Supports skin health, promotes collagen production, combats signs of aging, and enhances overall skin appearance.

Detox/Hangover – $150

Rapidly rehydrates, replenishes essential minerals, reduces nausea, and supports liver detoxification to alleviate hangover symptoms.

Energy Boost – $175

Boosts energy levels, supports muscle recovery, enhances metabolism, and promotes overall cardiovascular health and well-being.

Fat Burner-Lipo – $175

Enhances fat metabolism, promotes weight loss, increases energy, and supports overall liver function and cholesterol management.

Migraine Relief – $175

Provides relief from migraines by reducing inflammation, regulating immune response, relieving nausea, and promoting relaxation.

Myer’s Cocktail – $200

Increases metabolism, supports immune system function, promotes energy levels, and aids in essential nutrient absorption.

Athlete Recovery – $200

Accelerates muscle recovery, reduces inflammation, enhances hydration, and promotes optimal athletic performance.

Immune Boost – $200

Strengthens the immune system, supports white blood cell production, reduces inflammation, and enhances the body’s natural defenses.