
Beauty/Youth – $150

Supports skin health, promotes collagen production, combats signs of aging, and enhances overall skin appearance.


  • Lactated Ringer’s or Sodium Chloride 0.9% (500-1000ml)
  • Mineral Blend (1ml): Mag Cl 80mg, Zinc 1mg, Copper 0.2mg, Manganese 0.02mg, Selenium 20mcg – Provides essential nutrients for hormone pathways associated with aging
  • Ascorbic Acid 500mg/ml – 3-5ml – (Vitamin C) Powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, prevents premature skin aging, and delays biological skin aging signs.
  • Biotin 0.5mg/ml – 1ml – Improves skin texture, shine, reduces wrinkles, and promotes fatty acid production for hair, skin, and nails.


  • Glutathione 200mg/ml – 5ml push: Antioxidant with free-radical scavenging activity, protects the body from disease and aging effects.
  • Extra Zinc 10mg/ml – 0.2ml: Prevents hair loss by blocking testosterone conversion to DHT.
  • BPlex (1ml) – B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 (100-2-100-2-2mg/ml): Increases metabolism, supports the immune system, cell production, energy levels, cardiovascular health, and more. Administer slowly or with a snack.

Not for pregnant or nursing individuals without OBGYN approval; limit Vitamin C to 4ml or less.